We raise money for women and families to receive holistic healing services.

Healing from traumatic circumstances is multilayered. Oftentimes, we need a multilayered and holistic approach to release the pain and stagnation held in our bodies, minds, and spirits. Renewal is easier with support.

Here are some offerings that can be combined and blended to assist women and families in need and want:

Meditation Classes

The meditation classes are filled with guided imagery assisting in deeper embodiment, self love and self healing tools, and finding a more soulful presence. Many people who have been through trauma disassociate from their bodies. These meditations bring people back into their body with teachings for clearing pain and grief, and help re-pattern the nervous system to receive peace, joy, and love rather than worry and malaise.

Cranio Sacral Therapy

CST is a gentle, hands-on method of enhancing the functioning of the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. CST has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. CST has also been shown to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression and anxiety.

Reiki and Energetic Healing Treatments

Reiki is an ancient technique used for stress reduction and relaxation and has been shown to have several benefits for both physical and mental health. It is a gentle, non-invasive therapy that involves the practitioner gently placing their hands on or near the body. Studies support the ability of Reiki to reduce anxiety and pain, and suggest its usefulness to induce relaxation, improve fatigue and depressive symptoms, and strengthen overall wellbeing.

Sound Therapy

Sound Therapy is effective in not only achieving a state of relaxation but it also has a way of moving through blockages in the body. Research shows us that sound healing can slow down our brain waves and put our bodies in a very relaxed, dreamlike state. Sound Therapy has been known to help treat such conditions as stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, sleep disorders, pain and autism

Art Therapy

Art therapy helps us translate subconscious thoughts and emotions into form. it helps cultivate self-awareness, emotional resilience, and reduces and resolves inner conflict and distress

Holistic Pelvic Care

HPC is an internal vaginal connection and tension release modality to heal from layers of abuse and trauma. This modality is excellent for treating sexual abuse and postpartum issues. Tami Lynn Kent is the creator and teacher of Holistic Pelvic Care, and she states, “The primary goal of Holistic Pelvic Care is to empower a woman to inhabit her pelvic space and occupy her feminine ground physically, energetically, emotionally, and spiritually." There are many applications for Holistic Pelvic Care, please press the link for more information.


Mentorships include individualized healing treatments along with individualized meditation classes and therapies. Mentorships are for deep healing and empowerment. This a space for individuals to deepen into their sovereignty.

Breathwork Therapy

Shamanic Breathwork allows you to travel deep into your own psyche, witness and heal deep inner wounds, release past trauma, let go of that which no longer serves you and gain inspiration, vision, clarity and guidance from your inner truth. As old wounds and dysfunctional patterns are released and transformed, you begin to regain lost soul parts and remember the magic of who you truly are. Physical releases occur as well because the ‘Breath of Life’ purifies our cells and body systems.

Workshops and Retreats

The workshops and retreats will be tailored to the healing needs of the women and/or families with all of the holistic healing modalities listed here.

Workshops can be 2 to 3 hours, and retreats can be a day long, a long weekend, or up to a couple of weeks long.